Jardín de Cleo, a passion project sparked by the challenge to fuse the veterinary and pet hotel vibe with the vibrant, bold essence of my enthusiastic aunt in two days🤌
From a raw draft lacking foundation, emerged a dynamic brand, pulsating with colors and fonts that embody the essence of animal care while radiating fun and boldness.
This project swiftly found its place in my portfolio, standing as a testament to creativity and determination. Even my aunt was left amazed (and trust me, my family always has feedback😂).
The journey from concept to creation was a whirlwind of exploration and discovery, culminating in a brand identity that encapsulates both professionalism and playfulness. This synergy was further enriched by the invaluable feedback from my sisters, allowing the design to flourish into Jardín de Cleo, a proud addition showcasing the harmony between my design passion and the intricate art of branding.
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